*New Showroom*




*Two textiles at the "Craft" exhibition at Francesca Pia Gallery in Zürich*

Kilim me softly is proud an excited to present two textiles at the "Craft" exhibition curated by Nicolas Trembley at the Francesca Pia Gallery in Zurich.
Opening Wednesday April 19, from 5 to 8 pm. See you there! 



Exhibition curated by Nicolas Trembley, Francesca Pia Gallery

*New on the website*

Here you will find a link for all your carpet and kilim work: repairing, washing, moth-proofing, etc. Don't hesitate to call Mr. Bastian, he will be happy to help you!

*Showroom: back to Wasserwerkstrasse 104, in Center Zürich (Letten)*

The rugs and kilims are back in the former showroom, don't hesitate to come and admire them!
By appointment from Thursday to Saturday.

*Eröffnung Showroom, Konradstrasse 20, 2005 Zürich*

24-25 Februar 2022

Wir freuen uns sehr, die Eröffnung des neuen Showrooms in der Konradstraße 20, in der Nähe des Hauptbahnhofs, bekannt zu geben. Wir werden endlich einen frischen neuen Standort mit noch nie gesehenen Kollektionen einweihen. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die Eröffnung am 24. und 25. Februar von 17:00 bis 20:00 Uhr mit uns zu feiern.


Danach und den ganzen März über wird der Showroom von Donnerstag bis Samstag von 10 bis 18 Uhr geöffnet sein, nur nach Vereinbarung.


*Opening Showroom, Konradstrasse 20, 2005 Zürich*

Very very happy to announce the opening of the new Showroom, at Konradstrasse 20, near the main station. We are finally going to be inaugurating a fresh new location with never seen before collections. You are invited to join the celebration of our opening on february, 24th and 25th from 17:00 to 20:00.


After that and throughout March, the showroom will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday to Saturday, by appointment only.



Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch


26-28 November 2021


Die schönen Fairtrade-Kissen von Injiri sowie weitere ausgewählte Produkte von Schweizer Designern und Kreativen werden am Weihnachtsmarkt zum Verkauf angeboten.

Es gibt Geschenkideen für jeden Geschmack und jedes Budget: Schmuck, Keramik, Agenden, Weihnachtskarten, Readon und vieles mehr. Vom 26. bis 28. November. (Wollishofen, Vorplatz der reformierten Kirche).

Come visit us!


February 2021

Kilim me softly is happy to announce the arrival of  22 "new" rugs and kilims on the website!
Have a look and find inspiration!


December 2020

New by Kilim me softly:
To warm up this grey month of December, look at these wall hangings handmade by Julious, a talented Kenyan craftsman. If you are (or live with) a cat lover, there is "Tigou the cat" a fair trade product from Kenya. And for all the croco lovers, there is "Mamba the crocodile".
Support Julious the talented weaver and his family! 



Kelim, Teppich Laden. Zürich. Schweiz. Berberteppich. Tapis berbères. Tapis et kilims nomades. Zurich Suisse, www.kilimmesoftly.ch


September 2020

All images from @Studio Chinar



Ich freue mich, Ihnen unsere NEUE FAIRTRADE KOLLEKTION von Kissen und Kelims vorzustellen, die in Indien, Guatemala und Bangladesch von talentierten Kunsthandwerkern handgewebt werden. 

Die Produkte sind handgefertigt, mit viel Liebe zum Detail. Das macht sie zu Luxusprodukten, einige aus Bio-Baumwolle, die Ihr Zuhause verschönern. Sehen Sie selbst!

Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch

Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch


März-April haben die Kelim und Teppiche wieder einen Showroom!

An der Weinbergstrasse 157, bei "Der kleine Markt", der kleine Markt für Kunst, Handwerk und Design von nah und fern.



MI + DO: 16.00 - 18.30 Uhr

Achtung Speziell: 24.04 ist es zu, und 25.04 nur 18 bis 19 Uhr


Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch

Vintage Kelim & Teppich Laden in Zürich. www.kilimmesoftly.ch.  "Kilim me softly" brings exclusive tribal rugs and kilims to your home.

Vernissage Ausstellung Nomaden Kelim, Zurich, Kilimmesoftly
Eröffnung Kelim Ausstellung Kilim me softly 2018, Laden pop up store

Media: Kilim me softly in Z Magazin "Die Substanz des Stils, Interior Design 2018" von NZZ

27 Mai 2018

Auf Seite 13

Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch

* The kilims exhibition by Love is the Answer is extended * until the 24th of May!

One month show * at Love is The Answer   

Opening: 5th April 2018, 17:30 until 20:30.
We are pleased to invite you to discover the new collection 2018 in Windisch!

The kilim and soumak collection will be on sale on month in this lovely shop.


Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch

Media: Kilim me softly in Blog wohnfuehlen.annabelle.ch von Nicole Gutschalk

Januar 2018


Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch

Teppich Zürich, Kelim Zürich, Teppich Schweiz, tapis en Suisse, tapis nomades, kilim nomades

* Pop up Store * am Brauerstrasse is now closed (January 2018).
Thanks everybody for your curiosity and wonder! It was great to have you there!

* Opening Pop up Store * in "Aux Arts etc." the francophone cultural website in Zurich!



* Opening Pop up Store in Zurich, 3 weeks, 9th to 28th December 2017!

Very happy ton invite you to this event and to be able to meet you there!
Once the opportunity for the customers to see all the collection in one space, a nice little boutique with charm.


Visit our POP UP STORE!

Still open Friday 22nd, 11:00 - 19:00 
and Saturday 23rd of December, 11:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 27th, 11:00 - 18:00

and Thursday 28th, 11:00 -15:00, Finissage from 14:00 to 15.00


Einladung Pop up Store kilimmesoftly.ch, Dezember 17
Pop up store Zürich, Christmas 2017, Kilim me softly pop up Laden, Brauerstrasse 80, 9. Dezember

* Weihnachstmarkt Spinnereimarkt 2017 - Viewing at Love is The Answer   

Show: 25 November 2017, 12:00 until 18:00.
We are pleased to invite you to discover the new winter collection 2017 in Windisch!

The kilim/rug collection will be on sale in this lovely shop.

Kilim me softly, www.kilimmesoftly.ch bei www.loveistheanswer.ch, Weihnachtsmarkt Windisch.
kamu Sofreh Kilim, www.kilimmesoftly.ch, Kelim und Teppiche Schweiz

Just arrived *  Summer 2017:

Daghestan kilim, kilim me softly, kilimmesoftly.ch, Kelim in Switzerland, kilim et tapis vintage en Suisse



A mysterious "totemic" Daghestan Kilim, dated 1950, with rare harmonious colors. Big size and good condition.
New collection is online! Have a look!


Opening 2017 and Viewing at Love is The Answer *   

Opening: 6 April, 17:30 until 20:30.
We are pleased to invite you to discover the collection 2017 in Windisch!

The kilim/rug collection will be on sale one month long in this lovely shop.

* Just arrivedSpring 2017:

antique anatolian kilim, Zurich Suisse. Antik anatolisch Kelim, Shop Zürich, Schweiz. Teppich und Kelim Laden. Tapis antiques et vintage. kilimmesoftly.ch

A very rare antique anatolian kilim,

with beautiful colors and drawings.

With 14 other pieces, they are the new collection 2017,

online end of march!



Media: Kilim me softly in Blog wohnfuehlen.annabelle.ch von Nicole Gutschalk

December 2016/ Januar 2017

"Was wir im kommenden Jahr mögen - Musthaves 2017": Beni Ourain-Teppiche, z. B über kilimmesoftly.ch

Media: Kilim me softly in Annabelle  

www.annabelle.ch  10/16, Juli 2016

"Freunde des Hauses",  die Wohnschätze der Annabelle-Redaktion

Opening 2016 and Viewing at Rost & Gold *   

Opening: 2 June, 18:00 until 21:00. We are pleased to invite you to discover the collection 2016!

4 days viewing in Zurich at Rost & Gold, Uetlibergstrasse 15, until the 5th, 17:00


Opening Kilim me softly 2016, vernissage Kilim me softly, kilimmesoftly.ch, 2-5 Juni 2016

Media: Kilim me softly in Friday Magazin

www.friday-magazine.ch  March 11,  2016, on page 23

"Interieur feat. outfit",  4 Streetstyle-Looks als Inspiration für den Chic zu Hause.

Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch

Project: Kilim me softly by Mia Kepenek  

www.kepenek.ch/staging-ferienwohnung-flims  December 2015

2 pieces of the collection in this beautiful project:

The old Boujad rug from Morocco and the vintage "Karabagh" kilim from Georgia (SOLD).

Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch
Kelim Zürich, Teppiche Laden, Antike Textilien, Anatolian and berber rugs, Berberteppich, Schweiz,  magasin de tapis berbères et de kilims, Suisse, kilimmesoftly.ch


Fotos ©immoairpics.ch

Media: Kilim me softly in Annabelle 

www.annabelle.ch  November 2015

Fashion serie, on page 79

Jim Morrison's style shooting with 3 rugs of the collection!

Media: Kilim me softly in Wohnrevue 

www.wohnrevue.ch  October 2015

Designteppiche, on page 63

Happy and excited to let you discover this article in Wohnrevue this month:

* Opening and Viewing at Rost & Gold *  

Opening: 24th September, 18:00 until 21:00. We are pleased to invite you to discover the collection!

3 days viewing in Zurich at Rost & Gold, Uetlibergstrasse 15, until the 26th.


Kilim shop in Zurich. Teppich Laden in Zürich.

This vibrant tribal moroccan kilim found a pretty place, by his new happy owners!

kelim Zürich, kilimmesoftly.ch, Zurich, Kelim, kilim. Teppich Laden in Zürich.
Kelim Zürich

* Just arrivedSummer 2015:

kilim me softly, Zürich, Kelim Zürich, kilim Zurich, www.kilimmesoftly.ch. Teppich Laden in Zürich.

A wonderful Shirvan,
about 110 years old,
from Azerbaidjan/Georgia,

with rare pastel colors.


kilim me softly, Zürich, Kelim Zürich, kilim Zurich, www.kilimmesoftly.ch

A vintage Tavas kilim
(sud west of Turkey) 

with very modern and stylish



kilim me softly, Zürich, Kelim Zürich, kilim Zurich, www.kilimmesoftly.ch. Teppich Laden in Zürich.

A rare Fethiye camel wedding kilim
around 1940, in very good condition
and with beautiful colors


* Launch of the website Kilimmesoftly.ch *  1st September 2015

Happy to let you discover the collection!